Virginia Resources
an initiative of the   Virginia Department of Social Services

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How can I help stop the spread of COVID-19?

Find available vaccination clinics near you, access Virginia’s COVID-19 exposure notification app

What is the P-EBT program?

Learn more about Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)

Can I get help with food?

Apply for assistance, temporary expanded SNAP eligibility for college students, meals for seniors

How do I find child care?

Search for child care, access resources, and get help paying for child care

What if my job has been affected?

Apply for unemployment insurance, child support, etc.

How can I get health insurance?

CommonHelp, Federal Marketplace, Medicaid

What if I can't pay my bills?

Energy disconnection support, financial resources for youth previously in foster care, rent relief, child support, housing crisis resources, tax credits

How can I manage stress?

Tips for managing stress during COVID-19

I don't feel safe at home

Call 911, CPS-APS hotline, suicide hotline, 2-1-1 Virginia, domestic abuse

My business is at risk

Apply for a small business loan, rent and mortgage relief program, state Executive Actions in effect

What are my employee obligations?

Phase Three frequently asked questions

What about sanitation and cleaning?

Recommended disinfectants, control and prevention in the workplace

I work in an elder care facility

Nursing homes, assisted living, sample letter about keeping residents safe

I work in child care

Daycare workers, ChildCare Aware

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